With unique testing facilities and research infrastructure, serving as TEVV Centre (Testing, Evaluation, Verification, and Validation), within a thriving ecosystem that includes our ‘Lefkippos’ Technology Park, the accelerator plays a vital role in driving innovation, testing and validating new technologies.
Located in the heart of Greece, on a 600-hectare campus in Athens, it leverages its expertise and resources to drive transformative advancements on a global scale.

Testing facilities
Circuits and devices for sensor networks and systems
Superconductivity and Magnetic Oxides lab
Structural and supramolecular chemistry lab
Solar and Other energy systems lab
Photovoltaic and optoelectronic materials and devices lab
Photo-catalytic processes and environmental chemistry lab
Permanent Magnets, Magnetic Recording, and Thermoelectrics Lab
Natural Products Synthesis and Bioorganic chemistry lab
Nanotechnology processes for Solar Energy Conversion and Environmental protection
Nanofunctional and Nanocomposite materials Lab
Molecular Thermodynamics and Modelling of materials lab
Membranes and Materials for Environmental Separations